What are the roles of fertilizers?

Fertilizers stimulate plant growth by providing the necessary nutrients. Bottom dressing fertilizers are used to feed the soil in the fall or winter. Fertilizer to feed the plants will be applied at planting or during cultivation.

There are 3 categories of fertilizers: organic fertilizers, mineral fertilizers and organo-mineral fertilizers. Fertilizers are characterized by their nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content. These values are represented by the acronym NPK. N is the chemical symbol for nitrogen, P for phosphorus and K for potassium.

These chemical elements are found in different proportions depending on the manufacturer’s intended use.

How do these chemicals affect your plants?

N = Nitrogen :

It activates plant growth by promoting the growth and development of the aerial parts (leaves, branches, stems). A plant deficient in nitrogen does not grow, it vegetates, its leaves are small, of pale green color, even yellow.

P = Phosphorus :

It promotes good rooting of plants and healthy fruits. It helps to grow more abundantly and increases the resistance to diseases.

Phosphorus is particularly recommended for the recovery of transplanted plants or plants that have difficulty growing.

K = Potassium :

Potassium stimulates the action of nitrogen and ensures good health. It increases flowering and promotes fruit development. Potassium is found in wood ash, for example.

Other so-called secondary elements are also essential:

Essential trace elements such as iron, magnesium, copper, zinc, sulfur and vitamins. Magnesium is necessary for the formation of chlorophyll. Zinc to stimulate growth. Copper for the assimilation of potassium and nitrogen.

The different types of fertilizers

Organic fertilizers:

They must go through a decomposition phase before being assimilated by the plants. Nutrient inputs are gradually made available to the plant. They are elaborated with natural components of animal or vegetable origin without incorporation of mineral or chemical materials.

Some organic fertilizers enrich the soil like a compost or manure amendment…

Among the organic fertilizers, we will find ground horn, dried blood, guano, castor cake…

Crushed horn:

It is a slow release organic fertilizer. The ground horn is used at planting time, in spring or fall. This fertilizer is very easy to use, just spread it at the foot of the plants and bury it lightly in the soil by scratching.


It is a natural fertilizer that can be used by all plants, rich in nitrogen and phosphorus. It improves the mineral balance of the soil and stimulates plant growth. It is the most effective natural fertilizer for a quick action with a boosting effect.

Dried blood:

Natural source of nitrogen 100% animal, it favors the microbial activity of the soil. Dried blood has a fast action, it is used in spring before the restart of the plants growth.

Castor oil cake:

A very rich natural fertilizer that has repellent properties on parasites (field mice, rats, voles, moles, white grubs, crickets). Castor cake is a product of recycling. This fertilizer promotes root development and resistance to winter cold. It can be used in organic agriculture.

Mineral fertilizers:

Mineral fertilizers provide nutrients that can be directly assimilated by plants. They are easy to use and have a quick action on plants. These fertilizers are inexpensive since they are easy to produce in series.

Deciphering a label

Example n°1

On this label the NPK formula is 3-7-10.

This means that this fertilizer is composed of 3% nitrogen (symbol N), 7% phosphorus (symbol P) and 10% potash (symbol K).

Example n°2

On this other label the NPK formula is: 6-6,3-7

This means that this fertilizer is composed of 6% nitrogen (symbol N), 6.3% phosphorus (symbol P) and 7% potash (symbol K).

Which fertilizer to choose?

Use a fertilizer that is adapted to the period (before planting, during cultivation…) as well as to the type of plant to be fertilized. There are a multitude of specific fertilizers on the market, such as: bottom fertilizer, universal fertilizer, fertilizer for flowering plants, whiplash fertilizer, fertilizer for cacti and succulents, orchid fertilizer, tomato fertilizer, citrus fertilizer…

These fertilizers are available: in liquid form to be diluted, in ready-to-use form, but also in the form of water-soluble crystals or in granules. Some of these fertilizers can be used in organic agriculture (UAB mention).

These fertilizers are derived from plants, minerals and living organisms. In all cases, respect the precautions for use provided by the manufacturer (dosage, frequency and period of use).

To compare the quality-price ratio of a fertilizer, it is important to take into account the concentration of the fertilizer, i.e. the quantity of nutrient solution prepared with the product.

For example:

  • 2 ml of fertilizer for 1 liter of water: a one liter bottle of this fertilizer will allow you to make 500 liters of nutritive solution.
  • 14 ml for 1 liter of water: a one liter bottle of this fertilizer will allow you to make 71 liters of nutritive solution.

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