Soil analysis

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Whatever your soil quality needs, Bio-complex can help you !

Why is it important to know the nature of your soil ?

Analyzing the soil and knowing its pH makes it possible to provide the correct fertilization for the plants. Plants do not all have the same requirements in terms of the nature of the soil.

Furthermore, the pH value is fundamental for the assimilation of soil nutrients by plants. Extreme pH values ​​can explain poor plant growth or yellowing of foliage.

What is the Bio-complex service ?

The Bio-Complexe laboratory then offers you a range of tests and services aimed at ensuring the quality of your soil.

Our engineers and technicians are highly qualified to meet your needs in this area and provide the best solutions for the problems or challenges you face.

Why shoul you choose us ?

Thanks to a soil analysis combined with advice on reasoned fertilization and knowledge of the grain size, you can manage your soil to aim for optimal growing conditions. This way, you will know what work needs to be done and thus optimize your work. We thus offer you:

  • An analysis of your soil :

    Soil analysis is a method to determine the composition and physico-chemical values ​​of the soil. It makes it possible to know the potential of exploitation of agricultural plots, to characterize the composition and the physicochemical characteristics of a soil and as well as to know the real needs of the soil in nutrient elements according to the needs of the crops.

    This technique makes it possible to limit the excessive and sometimes inefficient use of mineral fertilizers which can deteriorate the quality of the soil in the long term.

  • A study of grain size

    We propose to determine, in addition, the grain size of your soil. This is an important parameter because the grain size influences the availability of nutrients and the structure of the soil in general.

  • Advices

    Because the analysis does not stop when a report is issued, we guide you in the interpretation of your results and advise you on the follow-up to be given to your soil analyses. Our laboratory also helps you manage your fertilization and spreading.