Environmental regulations and standards allow for the implementation of laws ensuring the protection, management, and restoration of natural areas, ecosystems, and the overall quality of our environment. In France, the useful agricultural surface covers approximately 29 million hectares, which represents almost half of the country’s surface.

With this in mind, environmental standards and regulations have been created to preserve all aspects of the environment: soil, water, air, biodiversity and natural resources. These rules in France are often national or European. As a reminder, the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) is a pillar of the European construction.

The regulations related to agriculture are numerous and include both the protection of soils and ecosystems against pollution and agricultural practices. They also concern waste management, antibiotics for livestock, and protected areas. The CO2 Account will help you understand the issues.

French regulations and standards

The agricultural sector represents an important part of the French economy. In this context, France has put in place strong regulations in order to maintain environmentally friendly farming methods. The laws and standards put in place also aim to ensure a good quality of French agricultural products.

European regulations and standards

The European regulations and standards in place allow the preservation of the environment and biodiversity against human activities. They cover all environmental needs and help limit the degradation of natural areas and biodiversity on the European territory.

Source : agri.compteepargneco2.com

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