The “digitalization of agriculture” refers to the use of information and communication technologies in the agricultural sector. These technologies allow accessing, storing, transferring and manipulating information, but also analyzing and giving meaning to it, in order to transform agriculture into a more profitable, sustainable and inclusive sector.

Indeed, new technologies facilitate and accelerate the communication of prices. They also allow producer communities to come together and control a larger share of the markets and cover the value chain.

Digitization also makes it possible to control pests and diseases, notably through the use of drones. These make the application of treatments much faster and cheaper, and help increase crop yields and reduce the risk of post-harvest losses. For example, they have more information about the weather and can therefore adapt more easily to climatic conditions, plan their tasks and contribute to soil conservation.

Moroccan farmers have been adopting increasingly efficient and innovative management software for years. Indeed, these new technologies allow for better farm management and thus improve yields and productivity.

Moreover, the digital transformation of the agricultural sector is among the objectives of the new green strategy “Generation Green 2020-2030” and the digitization of the system of agricultural aid granted through the Agricultural Development Fund (ADF) is one of the main projects. This component has been accelerated in the context of health provisions related to Covid-19 with the establishment of an electronic platform dedicated to the submission of applications for subsidies.

Called “Guichet unique électronique” (GUE), this platform was created by the Department of Agriculture and is accessible via the address:

The objective is to facilitate the process of submitting applications for subsidies to farmers, reduce travel to the one-stop shops and ensure better management of flows at the level of the shops.

Given the potential of this sector, companies tend to innovate to present the best digital products and services dedicated to the agricultural sector. The media is following this trend by facilitating access to information.

Some initiatives are starting to emerge and are expected to multiply. One example is the initiative of the OCP “Al Moutmir” which offers a free multi-service mobile application “@tmar” whose objective is to accompany the farmer throughout the production chain.

It emerges that the digital transformation represents an opportunity for the development of the agricultural sector. Indeed, this new digital area favors the creation of new jobs, the improvement of farm profitability and the inclusion of small farmers.

Source : Crédit Agricole du Maroc

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