Organic Foliar Concentrated Fertilizer

Organic Foliar Concentrated Fertilizer

In these times of capricious climate, the Concentrated Foliar Bio Complex fertilizer is very essential for the survival of our farms, in particular because of it’s beneficial effects of growth activators. Presented in containers of 5L, 10L and 20L, it has many benefits for plants:

  • Increases the growth of most plants when applied at an optimized dose (750ml)
  • Acts as an osmoprotector
  • Improves the resistance of plants to stressful situations caused by drought, extreme temperatures, salinity
  • Fights against sudden death thanks to the glycine betaine contained in the concentrated Bio Complex fertilizer.
  • Acts as a Bio Stimulant.


In these times of capricious climate, the Concentrated Foliar Bio Complex fertilizer is very essential for the survival of our farms, in particular because of it’s beneficial effects of growth activators. Presented in containers of 5L, 10L and 20L, it has many benefits for plants:

  • Increases the growth of most plants when applied at an optimized dose (750ml)
  • Maintains high-yielding crops whether in greenhouses or outdoors
  • Acts as an osmoprotector
  • Improves the resistance of plants to stressful situations caused by drought, extreme temperatures, salinity
  • Fights against sudden death thanks to the glycine betaine contained in the concentrated Bio Complex fertilizer.
  • Acts as a Bio Stimulant.

Its application can be carried out both by foliar way and by irrigation

Chemical composition:

  • Folic acid • Humic acid • Nitrate • Glycine betaine • Potassium

Technical data sheet

Market gardening (tomatoes)
  • 500ml to 750 ml/spray
  • 900 ml/atomizer

From 2 to 3 leaves every 7 days

  • 500ml in the sprayer

More than 3 leaves 750ml in the sprayer

  • 900ml in the atomizer every 7 days
Cultivation corn, beans, peppers, millet, sorghum etc

Use: 750ml sprayer every 14 days 1000ml in the atomizer

Plantain banana, yams and cassava cultivation

750ml in a sprayer, 900ml in the atomizer

Application: Every 30 days

Cocoa, cotton, in short, fruit trees

900ml for young plants 750ml for old ones that need production 1000ml in the atomizer every 14 days.

N.B.: The most powerful osmoprotector in the plant world. It increases osmotic pressure in the plant cell to prevent water leakage leading to its death.

Crops treated with glycine betaine are irrigated across the plant surface and distributed to the whole plant within 24 hours.

Intense Cocoa treatment: December, January, February, March.

Treatment after flowering: July, August, September, October